What the Fuuk is Going On?

Did you ever go with a friend to a store without intention of buying anything, only for something to catch your eye and demand your attention. Maybe it was a record. Maybe it was an album called “Pyramid” and you had been obsessing over pyramids at the time. So maybe you bought the record without even knowing who Alan Parsons Project is. Then maybe, you took the record home, played it, and it sounded AMAZING! It reminded you of Pink Floyd and so you researched it and found the connection. Then, less than a week later, you found yourself in another record vendor’s place of business and found another album by Alan Parsons Project, Eye In the Sky. This album has a big ol’ Eye of Horus on the cover. Indeed, it was the artwork that attracted you to the record in the first place – again!

You go home and listen to Eye In the Sky from start to finish and begin to think, this is such an amazing production by an amazing band. Why the fuuk have I never heard of these guys? You then make it your mission to find all Alan Parsons Project projects. Within less than a year, you have all of their albums but only half of the eight records are on heavy rotation.

Years pass. Records get shuffled to the back of the crate. You start reading the Illuminatus! Trilogy. You decide not to make any more music of your own and, instead, begin writing. You get a third way through writing your first attempt at a novel before starting a new literary project.

Then one day, you’re planning how to exit Planet Earth without being noticed and you see that first record you bought and think about how excited you were when Alan Parsons came into your life. Why can’t I feel that way now? And then you have to ask “Is it just me?” You don’t get a response, so you know it really is just you…

Or maybe that’s just me.

Happy 23/05,


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